Introduction to Second Home Visa in Indonesia

Feb 9, 2023 | Corporate & Compliance

The Government of Indonesia has issued a regulation of Second Home Visa  on25th  of October2022. This immigration product is a new policy that applies to foreign entity or ex- Indonesian citizen, while at the same time increasing the choice of residence permits for foreign entity who will live in Indonesia. Indonesian Government hope that the release of this policy is to attract foreign tourists not only to visit Indonesia for vacation, but also to be interested in contributing positively to helping the Indonesian government move the economy.

Foreigners who have obtained a Second Home Visa can carry out activities as investors, tourists, or elderly/retired tourists. Not only for individuals, but also Second Home Visa can be submitted for other family members such as husband/wife, children, and also parents.

More details of the requirements that need to be met by the applicant to obtain a Second Home Visa are as follows:

  • Valid national passport and valid for at least 36 (thirty-six) months
  • Proof of  Fund in the form of account ownership belonging to the applicant (foreign citizen) or Guarantor with a value of at least IDR 2,000,000,000.00 (two billion Indonesian Rupiah) or equivalent
  • Recent color photograph with size 4 cm x 6 cm with white background; and
  • Curriculum vitae

Second Home Visa application is submitted through the Online Visa Approval website. As explained above, apart from being for personal use, a Second Home Visa can also apply to family members, in order to get it, they must meet the following requirements:

  • Nationality Passport that is valid and valid for at least 36 (thirty-six) months
  • Recent color passport photo with size 4 cm x 6 cm with white background
  • Second Home Visa or Second Home ITAS belongs to husband, wife, children or parents who are legal and still valid
  • Proof of ownership of family relations with foreigners holding Second Home Visas or Second Home ITAS in the form of:
    1. Marriage certificate or marriage book, for husband/wife holders of Second Home Visa or Second Home ITAS
    2. Birth certificate or family card stating that foreigners are parents or children of Second Home Visa or Second Home ITAS holders, translated in Indonesian by a sworn translator except in English.

Application for Second Home Visa for family members is also submitted through the same website as mentioned above.

The Second Home Visa service not only opens up profit opportunities for the Government of Indonesia, but also for applicants because with this service Second Home Visa applicants have the flexibility to bring family members, including spouses, children and parents. This makes it easier for foreigners to register so they can live in groups in Indonesia, the process will also be much easier. It is also important to pay attention to Second Home Visa applicants or holders that they do not automatically have a work permit in Indonesia, meaning that foreigners or ex-Indonesian citizen are still allowed to make investments without actively earning income from country. Foreigners who will do work in Indonesia must first ensure that there is a sponsor.

In the previous explanation (points for the requirements of the Second Home Visa) it was also mentioned about the Second Home Limited Stay Permit. This service can be obtained when the applicant previously has a Second Home Visa. The change process needs to be completed with information regarding work location and place of residence no later than 30 (thirty) days after entering Indonesia. Second Home Limited Stay Permit is granted for a stay of 5 (five) or 10 (ten) years. Obtaining a Second Home Limited Stay Permit in addition to requiring a valid passport must also attach a Proof of Fund which can be in the form of an Account owned by the foreigner concerned at a State-Owned Bank with a value of at least IDR 2,000,000,000.00 (two billion Indonesian rupiahs) or Evidence property ownership in Indonesia in the luxury category on behalf of foreigners in accordance with laws and regulations in the land/agrarian sector. Holders of Second Home Visa can transfer their visa into second home limited stay permit

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