RAH maintains its personal development skill by employing participation in various upskilling training

Jul 16, 2019 | News

To better serve our client needs, RAH never ceases their breed of lawyer to hone their legal skills and related skillset to betterment.

Associate Angga Saputra also participated in the seminar organized by Emerhub Bali on March 21th, 2019. This seminar was delivered by Laura Liisa Lemetsar (Director of Eemerhub talents Solutions) and Triin Tigane (Emerhub Bali Branch Manager). Our colleagues learn about how to build a strong operational team in Bali while following the applicable regulations. The main focus in this seminar is to know the rules of labor law that are currently in force and build a strong operational team in the emerging market today.

Associate Kasandra Dyah Hapsari attended Intellectual Property Rights Training organized by Hukum Online on 26th of March 2019. The Training delivered by Government Representative and Partners from reputable Law Firm as a speaker who is an expert in the field of Intellectual Property Rights. It is explained in detail aspect of Intellectual Property Rights including all the regulation applicable to the registration, protection and enforcement of Trademarks and Geographical Indication, Industrial Design, Copyrights and Patent.

Associate Ari Mahartha had presented in Arbitration Course held Bali International Arbitration Mediation Centre on May 21st 2019 to better understand the commencement of Arbitration Tribunal with relevant materials presented by renowned practitioners.

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