RAH Welcomes New Batch of Doctors

Jul 16, 2019 | News

Reaching mid 2019, RAH had proudly welcomes its new class of doctors of law in its already tailored team. On 1st of February 2019,  Dr. A.A. Gede Duwira Hadi Santosa had successfully defended his dissertation before panel of examiner in Gadjah Mada University comprised upon Prof. Dr. Sigit Riyanto, S.H., LL.M., Prof Nindyo Pramono, Dr. Paripurna Suganda, Prof. Edward O.S. Hiariej, Prof. Sulistyowati, Dr. Mailinda Eka Yuniza, S.H., LL.M.,  upon the title of State Owned Enterprises Corporatization ( Kerta Masa Transformation as Future SOE Concept).

His works mainly discusses about the inconsistency of legal structures of the current regime of SOE undertaking and how the offered concept of Kerta Masa, long-preserved local wisdom of agricultural crop and plantation can be adhered into the better transformation of SOEs.

Not long afterwards, RAH had another addition of doctor in its group of experts. On 27th of February 2019, Dr. Made Mangku Pastika had successfully defended his dissertation entitled Regulating Press Freedom in Implementing Sustainable Tourism Trade Services before panel of examiner in Udayana University comprised of Prof. Dr. I Made Arya Utama, S.H., M.Hum (Chairperson), Prof. Dr. I Ketut Rai Setiabudhi, S.H., M.S., Prof. Dr. IGN Wairocana, S.H., M.H., Prof. Dr. IB Wyasa Putra, S.H., M.Hum, Prof. Dr. Samsul Wahidin, S.H., MS, Prof. Dr. Muhadar, S.H.,M.Si, Dr. Ni Ketut Sri Utari, Dr. I Gede Artha, S.H., M.H., Dr. I Putu Tuni Cakabawa Landra, , S.H., M.Hum.

His works mainly discusses about the presence of press as non-market element of tourism is liable towards the condition of the tourism, thus adjustment upon the law on the press needs to be made to further reposition and strengthen the freedom of the press, not merely that of an independence.

We wish the addition of academic credentials further excel our service to tailor our client needs.


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